Here are commonly asked questions about Healu Collagen. If you can't find what you're looking for, please get in touch.


How much collagen is in a serving?

A whopping 12,000mg which is the highest daily dose available! This not only means that you get a lot of ‘bang for your buck’, but that you will see results much quicker as the quality and quantity of collagen means it will get to work rapidly.

How long will a bottle last and when should I take it?

There are 16 servings in a bottle with a mini cup provided so you can easily pour and drink. You can take your shot at any time you prefer.

 As it is high in protein and tastes fruity, it often curbs those pesky cravings and stops mindless snacking!

Do I need to store this in the fridge?

Our collagen has been tested for safety both in the fridge and at room temperature. To preserve the potency of the natural ingredients it is recommended to store in the fridge however both options are fine to do and personal preference.

What does it taste like?

The natural flavours are Watermelen, Apple & Mint. We have worked hard to make a formula that is enjoyable to take and like a treat!

Can I take this whilst breastfeeding?

Many breastfeeding mothers report positive outcomes from using Helau for better postpartum health and to address issues like hair loss and thinning after pregnancy. 

There are no ‘nasties’ in the formula that would be a concern. However as always, the decision to take any vitamins and supplements during breastfeeding should be made with your doctor's guidance so please consult with them before starting any new supplement


This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results will vary and are dependent on skin type and skin condition.